Stop posting mods pics, Yes this one is too
Are you using GIMP or photoshop? I know nothing about photoshop but, if you use gimp you can just use the smudge tool and smudge the white lines away.
It is modded i'm pretty sure : /
Kameo, then I forget and eventually got into Halo 3 and Oblivion then to Cod4 then back to halo Well actually the first game I put in the Xbox 360...
I agree with this, but, you could make like very colorful trees and a river, then a bunch of gray houses that are really bland, that would be a...
**** or GTFO
:O fbu already posted him :O
All brown [IMG] Do it!
You could make a snowman using some of those brushes, which would take care of the shape right? Then maybe a Kid or something... Maybe make his...
That is completely wrong, when something is on a drop spawn it is like ^ he said makes it more professional and when in MLG, which it is almost...
Your signature is too large...
Thankyou so much I like it :)
You sig is to big, resize pl0x
or type something, highlight it while having the URL of the DL page copied then click the thing that is a chain and a picture of earth, right to...
Well I am still a noob at Sigs and cannot do good affects soo this is pretty much all I can do right now. [IMG] Hope you like it. BTW I DLed and...
key angles, corners walls can form 45 degree angles by positioning right, you don't need to do anything fancy, and Ramps are mostly, but not...
Welcome to F0R63HU8 be sure to read the rules and have a good time here.
Well whatever this idea is dead :(
Render or Stock:[IMG]link Style: Old Westy Style Colors: Brown and Yellow, figure out Shades that work togather Text: STWOW where ever it fits
Well you also could get a great sig from a trainee, also yea it would be slow to start but, if it was successful then word would get out about it.