Yea it is correct just the weapons like someone else said are too close together and, you shouldn't have put 4 frags together like in Halo 1...
There has already been a Stonehenge map made too dude. No more talking about pics
Yea with the gametype and 0% damage, you cannot blow up the grav lifts, so it is cheat-proof
Well since you still don't get it, I will post an easier way.... The reason your pictures are not working, you cannot link them directly from...
I still love the map but, last time you posted you said you still had 200$, so why don't you add a roof, it would make it look better. And yes...
Exactly, with folds that would be like zig zagging when you could be going straight through!
I do not recommend rating the map in your post like "COOL MAP BRO 5/5" because 1. It is just filler to make your post look less like spam 2. It...
Yea shield doors would be your best bet for this
I know this probably has been posted/asked before but, I could not find it, what is the flattest object to make a floor with, on sandbox?
Actually it isn't possible, it works with doors because after you can push them into other objects they become solid, however killballs are still...
Only ONE PERSON needs to tell him about how the pictures are not working. Stop trying to boost your little post counts by saying "your pics arnt...
I seriously cannot see it...
well we cannot see it because you did not embed oyur pics right,,, you cannot link your screenshots directly from bungie, here is a tutorial also...
You could use a assembly heatmap from bungie without any spots on it then draw the barriers and territories in using like GIMP or PS
Your screenshots are not embedded because you cannot link them directly to bungie... here is the tutorial to correctly do it... here
No there is not sorry...
place more span points or, like sometimes if that happened on foundry, you just find out where you keep spawning and put a block over them.
I will attempt to make one but it is pretty impossible to make it as fast the real lift on the map.
It was recently discovered that the OLN maps only need respawn points and goals, so it does not need any of the default scenery, vehicles, or...