If you have 0$ s left but, you are stil lable to make items, it is budget glitched
Why do people say stupid things like this, yes the map is great, that doesn't mean it is "going to be featured" at all. The map looks great but,...
I don't think most of you get it, he is Vanna ing the gun/showing it off/showcasing the gun as if it was new.... 5/5 I lol'd
I know light = color I am not stupid, but, The laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion relative to one another...
Well not really, are eyes are the same, but that only takes in the light that is color, but we all clearly think differently, so why not think and...
But, how can you describe a color, well that apple is red. But, what you perceive as red might be different then what others see as red. The...
I was thinking like this this morning when an annoying kid left our table, then I said I will kill myself out of joy, like tears of joy on a...
Why don't you put my 180 or something I got on the v1 up there, I had a pic? Nm it was 147 [IMG] I suck
For 1 that is pretty much just spam, and 2 how could it have been better forged? where, how, why?
why not just brace a block, place at start no then place to parallel walls perpendicular to the box and wall to geomerge it into. Then spawn the...
Just like the **** zombies leaderboards on Cod (lol) If you havn't seen them they are all up to level 192932914 where as even the best only get to 30
The person above was me, the maker, and it already is like that lol. >.< The non-enclosed thing is probably staying but, I might add a...
Can this be deleted now then right? Mods? *You could have just edited your post >.<
The dribbling is not an honor rule, the bomb carrier goes 25% speed without dribbiling, so it is pretty necessary. And there is not barrier so...
I hate Assembly and Standoff with a passion, because standoff flat out sucks when all the vehicles are gone, and Assemblies gameplay is so boring...
This way is new to me, but the result isn't at all, and since it is like geo-merging, it isn't always perfectly straight/accurate. But, good job...
I havn't played it yet, just saying it looks cool. Will play it though and get back to you.
Look at my new map NAO!
lovin' the new map ^^