Hahaha. It's funny because- oh wait no.
So many logical fallacies. Meaning does not have the same properties as light. Theism does not have a monopoly on, or prove, meaning. That the...
Atheism both describes the passive state of absence of belief in deities (which would include newborn babies too young to have the faculties to...
I'm more like Abed or Batman Abed or Professor Spacetime Abed. Or Evil Abed.
You remind me more of Gary.
Archer: "I've never seen an Ocelot!" - YouTube
Sure, it's more likely than being created by impossible deity 1, deity 2, or deity 3. Less likely than abiogenesis. X Files Theme Tune - YouTube
Yeah, Furry needs to get off his high horse. "I'm Furry, I know the difference between verbs and nouns and adjectives. I know the difference...
You didn't notice that the reflection on the tv screen at the end of the episode was the cast?
"According to the Qur'an only God Knows who will go to Jahannam (Hell) and who will go to Jannat (heaven). Those who ignored, or only pretended to...
You just said the divine creator of the universe thinks I'm so inferior to you that he made it so that you could live "forever and ever and ever"...
It's my belief any Christian is delusional, strongly possibly an idiot, and cholesterol in the veins of society. You're not forced to believe that...
This video: Sam Harris: What are your crazy reasons for believing a god? - YouTube ..and close to the end of this video: Richard Dawkins...
And god returning would do what exactly? Is he going to torture all us "big mean contemptuous atheists" who pointed out how completely...
[IMG] It adds a new wood block type and being able to climb vines, not to mention how great super tall 2v2 trees with multiple leaf sprouts...
Yeah, Christians are just better people. Your friends shouldn't act like that godless hedonistic rabble, all bloodthirsty and impure.
If deluding yourself with a book filled with proven lies, headless to its consequences to society is your thing, don't forget there's plenty of...
As far as I know it hasn't been confirmed that xbla Minecraft supports multiplayer, skins, or texture packs. Oh, and **** Diablo 3. [IMG]