[IMG] Teen Titans Intro - YouTube
That's really nice of you Grif. I know it's not Valentine's Day yet but I made you this Avatar. [IMG]
Chance for a specific nature, 1in 25 Chance for shiny Pokemon, 1 in 8192. Chance for perfect IV's 1 in 1073741824. Perfect IV's, Beneficial...
I don't find the argument for lack of design from imperfection as remotely convincing as the argument against design through observation of earth/...
The left foot is too big, and there's no right arm or even a hint that it's even hidden behind her, and her hip seems just slightly too large,...
Is "it wasn't meant to be" your nice way of saying to gays that they are abominations in the eyes of your god? Seeing as the instructions of god...
I'm glad you have a sensible reason for not liking gays and gay sex, other than the fact they/ it makes you feel uncomfortable. I'm sure the...
Yes, because I compiled all those examples myself, then I made that site. Hardcore. What's this at the top though? [Editor's note: Not everyone...
Earth, Wind & Fire - Kalimba Story - YouTube
How nice of you to orient you world-view so that homosexuals can live together, even though your absolute morality dictates that homosexual sex is...
That's not an answer. Either the church lied about limbo, in which case those who paid money for their children to be prayed for deserve...
I hope you don't plan to see stupid pregnant girl again.
I'm with Pac on this one, people only believe things with solid evidence. [IMG] So I guess they'll be refunding that money now yes? All...
That did not make grammatical or argumentative sense. If those people didn't believe in the existence of souls, they wouldn't have been fleeced...
It doesn't harm anything? Tell that to all the grieving parents who paid money for their unbaptised children's souls to go to heaven. It doesn't...
I like to think that every time I break a rock, it's rock-soul either goes to a magic kingdom filled with lakes and mesas, or if the rock is evil,...
[IMG] Power ranger history month [IMG]
His favourite movie is Thor. Not very Dark