If it does then Halo 4 might have the biggest weapon sandbox of all the games so far, especially considering there will be a Forerunner weapon set...
Why wouldn't it be? Every game since Halo 2 has has customisable spawning settings, and as far as Invasion is concerned, the more change the merrier.
Invasion is still extremely possible without Elites and respawn times. Besides, X to respawn will be a gametype settings option.
Michael Haggins - Daybreak - YouTube
Next time you have time spare, you should play on a server I found. It does 120 person hardcore FFA's. **** is so much better when you have a team...
You're right, if she looks more human it would mess with her "snarky pixie-in-your-ear" motif. But Cortana is hard to nail visually, and that is...
Her projections are usually tiny, and in-game she's translucent, so of course she looks different when she's full-size, opaque, and hand-drawn....
[Lynx lays out the deeper meaning behind Cowboy's setting and characters in comparison to Samurai Champloo's, which he feels are less developed...
I'm going to bury you under the nicest most shadiest tree.
We already have a place. It's really crappy though. If I get unbanned i'll meet you at spawn with diamond armour next month. Anything less makes...
Adventure Time - Season 4 Montage Promo - YouTube The Flaming C - Conan - YouTube
DAMMIT CAMO. You should have waited for me. May is so far away...
No matter who wins, you lose as a country for having Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney as potential future leaders, instead of a cage somewhere...
Wet Hot American Summer - Higher and Higher - YouTube
[IMG] Together they are unstoppable.
Sure, one is extremely bad, that doesn't make Hunger Games any less average bad, and just because it includes human-hunting (which I enjoy as a...
I'm guessing none of you have read either, or both, so I'm going to take your exasperation with a grain of salt, because you don't know any better.
You must be a big Twilight fan.