Battleblock looks pretty boring, and I probably wouldn't enjoy Diablo 3. Is there any word on whether xbla Mincraft will have servers?
Rendle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I'm a frog rights activist, and sometimes Grif makes me question why.
"For all Zatherla's brave talk, he knew it was just that. No matter how much he trained or how much he studied, the best introduction in the world...
"Zatherla was never more certain of how far away he was from his goal than when he was standing right beside it." Gattaca Biometry - YouTube
You fixed it already.
We need your help desperately Camo. Reply ass-ap
Usually people have sex in a bed, and use swamps for fishing and camping and stuff. By it's hardly an immutable law. I'm not sure if listening...
Because they have absent fathers. [IMG]
You're right, she's attractive. But I still can't vote for her. Psychiatry is the enemy incarnate. Psychiatry has waged a relentless war of...
Well if you had to arrange them into a pie graph, the smaller parts would be comments that are helpful, clever insights, Nemihara drop-ins, and...
I'm not going to pay for dinner on a first date. If she wants me to buy her company like a prostitute, she should be prepared to die like one.
Don't be retarded Chuck. It's not like we'll get so used to eating the delicious Dodongo's Cavern rocks that all other rocks will taste bland....