perhaps this kid is joking with us ? although plagiarism isnt too amusing, all the same fun map :)
Lols well it doesnt really have to be, but im just going to include one in each of my maps as a kind of watermark :), thanks btw it took me a...
[IMG] Greed Created by Chicken Dippah (2nd Map) Supplies are running low, can teamwork pull you through? Download Greed Map: Here Download...
I downloaded just because i dont like critising without seeing even if ur screenshots do suck :P map is pretty well made nothing spectacular...
and i suppose jumping around 10 foot each time and killing people with 2 elbows is real :P?
wow this map is the kind of standard i would expect from bungie employees this is top notch!
very neat interlocking
Nice not much need for interlocking its nice
Wow, thats pretty intense, how long did that take u man?
I didnt intend on it being a mansion more of a two story structure of which needs a bomb sticking in, which is the main reason i didnt add any...
wow those screenshots look hot. i must admit on some of them i was turning my head sideways to figure it out but certainly very interesting :)
Thanks im trying to improve but im practicing and i also recongnise that the idea is not original, but i didnt really plan this map out like i...
sounds like a really complex idea simplified and made easily playable, only thing i can think of improving if i would have done the same is the...
Love Thy Neighbour (Not worth downloading poor effort by me) Created by Chicken Dippah Would you kill to have a home like this? Download Map:...