Looks pretty well thought out however might i consider looking through http://www.forgehub.com/index.php?pageid=forging101 to learn the basics?
heh have a forge through it and look above the chute there is a small building which i have created a camp on. Jump up the chute / elevator and it...
Im not to keen on the map only because it has shield doors however you have executed them screenshots perfectly and that looks so awesome nice one
not only will i enjoy this map but i enjoy your posts too very profesional and i love all of it keep it up :)
Thank you it took me a while but I was inspired from griftball in some strange way
"First post" lol :) looks nice man i loved claustropohbia and i will probably love this too Dling now
This looks promising, i like your interlocking in the first overview if anything thats why im going to download it can i just suggest you add a...
After playing this map through and taking into account the time is was made Id say its pretty fluent gameplay however only one issue came up which...
im downloading now but from your screenshots i think im going to be somewhat disapointed lets hope im wrong as im a big admirer of you forging...
either your good with words or you really have justified an armoury!
Interesting Idea actually looks nicely executed except maybe the armoury never liked them my self although they are pretty just not to good for...
well welcome to forge hub :) i heard alot about forge guide but never got to visit it
well the outside area and the corner on each side thats it its fast paced with a lot of rounds so every point counts :)
looks pretty well made and challenging
reminds me of normal foundry !
Ok? average? bad? good? what lol?
thanks guys im glad you guys think so i spent for ever on it and i got 3/5 i wasnt to impressed lol ;P
Hehe thanks
i know its not supposed to be fake but if you do that and they drive through the barrels = no more pimp + hoes :)
looks interesting probably more interesting if you used your bridges upside down and interlocked them but hey its not essential nice 3/5