<Insert Better Smile Here> I win ^.^
No problemo xD
Lol yeahh okay xD
Lol they must be **** no offense :p LOL
LOL YAY .. Backstage passes? :p
Lol glad you be at assistance xD And to be fair its kinda crap xD
LOL i wasn't going to be offended (: The rain took me like a hour actually because i couldn't remember how to do it :P And im glad you like the...
Doneee your rain sig (: [IMG]
One word ... KNIGHTBOY!
Win x]
LOL think of that for the next time LOL xD
But he did lol Don't worry xD You did good, you helped your friendly teacher to catch someone who cheated ... Wanna game? :P
Smurfy Failed xD LOLOLOL
Lolwut? :p
I've sent loads of people invitess :P Soo no reason (:
Exactlyyy ¬.¬
Dont you worry .. (: