I dont get it? Link me to it (:
Ermm im good? :S
Yeahhh :/ Viruses scare me thoughhh "/
Nooo! It does it the otherway around doesn't it ? It'll take off the songs i dont have off my ipod? And this is it :- [IMG]
I don't like making these type of threads but i need help! Recently my computer got a virus and i had to erase everythinggg! But i got itunes back...
Dudeee Can you check what my Youtube name is please. I'm on your friends list i presume, just check on that. (:
Msn link thing .. i clicked because im retardedd .. POW POW POW computer wouldnt turn on .. LOL Well it was broken for like one night so im not...
DUDE i had a virus! D:D:D:D:
What ?
Meeting Hayley i mean xD
LOL well its Hayley (:
Lol good shiz xD pics/vids or it didnt happen (:
Boy (: MY pic is Hayley williams the singer from paramore xD What about you?
What ever you want me to be ^.^
How are you mannnnnnnnnnnnnnn?
Lawl well good luck with that xD
Yes ... Yes you did <Angry FACEEEEEEEE>
<Insert disappointed face> :( :( :(
Hey man!