Wanna make a sig for the shop? (: I'm awfully busy at the moment
LOL this profile makes me lolllllllll ;D and facepalm FAP FAP FAP SPAM SPAM SPAM!
Lolll xD
Lol yeahh Oh well virus is a virus xD
OO! I'll try now (:
Dont worryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
I don't have it anymoree :/ I had a virusss and i had to restart my computer from original setting .. i'll get around to downloading it soon x]
They are amazing xD Sorry about that i was on rockband pahaha xD
I KNOW! Hes one of my favourite singers (:
LOL Canadian Bob FTW xD And i cant ditch him xD he'll cry :p
I SAW THAT BEFORE its really good (: And i have a friend whos amazing at drums :P But my drummer like formed the band soo you know xD
LOL my drummer is black too (: But he sucks
We are lame :P We practise in school which is gay in itself umm my drummer is really bad, and my other guitarist never brings his guitar. So its...
Don't get me started on my band :P I literally give up with it xD
Meh im just chilling pahaha xD mostly school which has my attention :p
Lol Yeah maybe, but i don't really go on xbox all that much nemore xD
Samee but eventually i'll forget and click something retardly xD
LOL i think he likes A7X xD I wanna be in the Critical Acclaim party xD PARTY PARTY!
OH SNAP! xD I've had only two viruses i think ..
Okay well i did that and got all my purchased songs but what about the rest? Anyway to get them back? And the pink screen is really annoying me .....