Screw you knightboy!
Yoooooooooooooo matthew! Hows it going my friend? :)
Dude have you done the english? Skype and help me pleaseee!
Alrightyyyy :) :) :)
He came back! 5 Days ago :/
I don't go on live all the much so there's no point.. My bro goes on it .. And sig shop is just what they are called .. i never made it up xD
I PLAY GUITAR XD And no people don't pay xD
Not many .. Demolition was my last map i think and i made a racing track on snowbound :) I have a sigshop though and thats where most people...
No point now im going soon xD
Was that a no to skype? D:
When i say Noob when someone does something stupid or bad as if he/she was a new member. They don't have to be young or experienced as such.
LAWL your gonna failll xD
SKYPE? Ready for your english noww? xD
Forgehub now right? I'm adding people for funss :)
Woww My teacher has been saying all year that its harder now than it was with coursework xD
GCSE maths is easy so far for me .. :) Im doing modules and i did module 9 on monday and i nailedd it And i started module 10 and so far its piss xD
Well do it xD I have maths and english to do too xD I'm good too tanksies :)