COOOOOOL mann xD I'm watching Southpark! Its amazingg tbf xD
EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWw Thats wrong mannn! Should of got it broken back into place !
LOOOOOL You hard ass you xD They broke your nose? OH SNAP XD
LOOL i totally wish Sammy boy. He tried to start a fight and broke your nose? YOU RACIST! sorry i had to .. What did you say? xD
This thing going around haas been going around of ages noww :/ And it died down but started again today Children suck ..
Rather decent .. Apart from some stuff going around about me >:C People can be twats to be fairr .. Apart from that it was great :D
Why are we there? pahaha I dont get it xD But yeah you are part of the sig shop x] How was today at your end?
Where was that from? And yeah you are your like the best out of us, ahaha xD It was pretty good actually yeah you?
Hey can you change the title of my sig shop to "Boydeh's Sig Shop" please .. Without the ""....
Yeah i will .. Sorry i thought guardians were mods xD I'm nooby with this kind of shiz xD
But that just changing the subtitle doesnt it?
DUDE I NEED MY COMPASS BACK! (: If you lost it because your gay like that you bettter get me a new one >:C Thanksies ..
You doing ALL the sigs? Ill do the avatar now quick then xD
Not that i know of ..
Planet Renders v3 Pick a picture from there and send the link to me :)
Can you please use renders for requesting please :)
Lol yeahh xD
:O:O Nah i love Americans ... [/sarcasm] :):)
It normally is this time of day .. Americans >:C