Well this must be very embarrassing for you. Plus, you can't simply assume that a map you made has been put into Matchmaking.
They don't need to look hard for an actor for MC. Since they're not gonna show his face, they should just use the voice actor from the video games.
Pretty good gameplay
Spiders, scorpions, wasps, centipedes, and every other evil-looking insect in the book.
I have a friend whose gamertag was DarkChocoObama or something like that. He got reported so he changed his name to BA11SCRATCH3R.
I agree. Year One was a horrible movie. They added too much "comedy" in it and what happened was the story line went to ****.
I think 7-Zip is a better, simpler alternative.
Perhaps an AA that is similar to the autosentry. But instead of dealing damage, its shots blind the enemy. Kind of like a flashbang. Although I...
It will take a lot of signatures to persuade Microsoft to put Halo 3 on PC. Especially since this is an internet petition and most internet...
You can definitely see this map's similarity to Sanctuary. I think there should be some sort of structure in the area where there are like 12...
This seems like a very useful map for screenshots. I was actually making something similar to this and I think what you have here is nearly the...
This is a very impressive aesthetic map. It's amazing how accurate it is as well.
Damn, that's awesome. Super accurate too. Although I think it'd be better if the rocks facing the walls were further away.
I can't believe how incredibly accurate this is. The rock formation looks so natural. Impressive work. I'll definitely give this a download.
This is an amazing aesthetic map. Is this the same one that got featured on AirsoftXX's channel?
Exactly dude. It should have multiplayer as well because that will attract a lot of people.
This looks like a very good map to play a 1v1 or a 2v2 on.
Seems a bit open in the bridges. Perhaps adding more cover to the sides of the bridge?
I would very much like to see a Halo 2 anniversary for the Xbox. Much like Halo CE Anniversary which was made by 343, I want Halo 2 to be remade...