Ah yes Matty showing us that he is the best of the best. Ever. Don't **** with him.
ya he wore a suit which i didnt think he even had
you have the same birthdays as one of my friends
Lol so was my bro. He probably thinks I'm the curse of that.
Zomg it your birthday!!!!
Wow your birthday is so close to mine its not even funny.
That is really sad actually. Not being able to remember anything for more than 30 seconds. Its like 50 firsts dates but worse. But my hat must go...
sounds nice but it sounds like there will be multiple rockets a snipers and it looks like a medium-small map.
Get in the corner of confidence its got a cloaking sheild.
You can use the gamvee grab thing.
Wait as also the lyrics to.
Do you get some awsome bass solos
That makes me very happy face.
I got 624 seconds in social once and we one the game to mostly because I was stealing the other teams kills.
Are you guys working on a new album.
OMG that is hilarious, nitrous that is a great find.
Epic fail by alby pulling out a blow torch
I think that is a bad move. Once everyone has something its nothing special its worthless. Unless bungie for some reason makes the vid master so...
Your name reminds me of a certain someone on here
Sounds like a greedy bastard is after some money. I think that batman has been around longer then some tiny town.