A very funny parody of Gears of War 2 by Egoraptor. Better quality at Newgrounds.
Ya it shows that. Damnit I wanted to see it.
I saw it in the party details.
No I haven't but I would like to.
Thats what i thought because the map was name Lenutsb. BTW is my name etched in the walls with tele nods.
Whats your new map called?
Grats on gaurdian you've earned it.
I think the reason they can't get him with and eliphant gun is that they hit him at a shallow angle and his skin is probably alot tougher because...
ya and the sun smiles and it rains musical notes
ya but thats in my friends world lord knows what else he see there.
really im the one with sunglasses just below the **** sulte.
I have no clue whats so ever
[IMG] Kinda obvious which ones me
oh me or him
[IMG] Ya its me bow down to me and my sexyness.
I really like it. But I got a feeling that they were try to rip off the wii alot with the avitar thing.
Can we just send it to you gamertag? Oh can I be on inside fh to?
because i apperently look like him
ya he calls me curt cobain