Well, I have some positive and some negative comments. I'll start with the positive. The layout is great. Very creative. The train is really cool,...
I've been gaming sense I was, well, I think 7-8 years old. I play Halo almost everyday with my friends. If it makes you stupid, then how do I have...
No offense guys, but anyone who fell for this is REALLY gullible. Even before I saw the asterisks, it's quite obvious they were kidding :) (I...
Lol poor guy. I hope his mom will let him get wireless internet. That toilet seat looks uncomfortable.
This map definitely deserves the feature. It's my favorite foundry racetrack. The banks are incredible, and all of the interlocking is very...
Aesthetics The layout on this map is very cool, but I don't think there is enough cover up top. I also think that there might be too many power...
Cool layout. I could use another good FFA map right now. The small structure in the back corner (by the door) looks nice, and unique. The merges...
What's your problem OtherDark? Are you trying to be cool, because if you are, it's not working.
The ghost can be dislodged by a good grenade throw.
I just did a forge-through, and WOW! Great job! Aesthetics/Layout: This map has a lot of cool features aesthetically. The layout is very...
This map looks really unique, but I'm not a huge fan of all the movable objects. Cool idea though.
The merges look good, and I can tell you put a lot of time into it, but as said before, it looks pretty open. It's not really my style of map, so...
Wow, I just got owned. *blushes* Oh, and just so you know, I'm not a hider, I was just saying :) BTW people, you're supposed to remove your sig...
RE: False +rep Yea I realized that. Sorry I didn't pay attention. I +rep'd Devinish once I realized. (I'm a very non observant person, and I...
There's a lot of really useful information here! It's too much for my mind to grasp. Good job Devinish. I'll keep studying.
Nice info. I never really thought about those things. Good post, it will help on the map I am making. +rep Edit: I don't think he was saying...
This is really helpful. I saw someones map who had a grav lift in the ground, and I couldn't believe it! I am definitely going to do this on the...
I was playing on a really cool map called Anilec, and it always gets laggy because even though there aren't many items, a bunch of boxes are...
This map is a really unique map, and if you haven't downloaded it, you should. This map has a really good feel to it, and the man cannon lights...
Thank you, thank you, thank you! You guys are awesome. +rep for both of you.