this lag isnt just a problem with armor lock, its the entire game. bulltrue someone with the shotty in instant before their sword connects, you...
there were also some other spartan IIs that went down to the surface to fight on reach and survived.
i still think zealot is the worst map in the game next to the remakes... i just never enjoy playing on it.
the problem was when the entire opposing team goes up there and stays up there. which used to happen in almost every game i played with dmr...
i agree, but there is a small chance that he is inside a part of the ship where there are still working airlocks with air inside.
hes not inside half of it. in the cutscene, it looked like it just got split in half, so at best hes in a small portion of the center of it. Kat...
thats basically it in a really simple form. bungie posted the formula in one the updates, and its complicated, and i cant remember most of it. i...
next to pinnacle, reflection, and hemorrhage, zealot is the worst map in the game. the addition of the soft kill zone in some gametypes does help...
in all honesty commendations and challenges dont get you that much credits. a silver commendation in MM gets you like 1000. Your friend isnt a...
even if that happened, he'd die pretty quick floating out in space. unless he somehow figured out how to use a covie cryo chamber. assuming there...
mine is now Teen Time, which i enjoy
ODST had the easiest campaign of any halo game. you could take more damage as an ODST than a spartan in the other games. And you should have...
im good at being really, really, ridiculously good looking. one day, while i was looking at myself in a spoon, it thought "why not do that for a...
they said they put the level cap in because the hardcore players will reach it fairly quickly and they want to give everyone else time to catch up...
i thoroughly agree. i dont mind asylum too much, but i cant stand the rest. especially hemorrhage and reflection.
scorps are being replaced with wraiths in the upcoming playlist update. also removing swat from team slayer and btb. as well as a bunch of other...
fixd. and id also add reflection to that list. and pinnacle. for the most part, the halo 2 remakes play like trash in reach. also, i cant wait...
*dont say doing your wife , dont say doing your wife..* doing your... son? but seriously ill be out of college looking for a job. or already...
most of the armor takes way more credits to reach the rank required to unlock it than it actually costs. you need like over 300,000 credits to...
this. i dont think its even in the same world as bioshock