Are you kidding me? Your ears must be broken or something cause i dont even use headphones and it sounds like theres ****ing elephants stomping...
so, to summarize, blops is the ****. the commando is a boss of a gun that requires a magnum condom when it ****s. im sittin at 50 and cant...
It does make it more balanced. The nub tub isnt and was never a counter to anything, it was always just a cheap way of getting kills. If it is...
Some comments on the multiplayer aspect: 1. So far, it seems much more balanced then MW2, guns perks and killstreaks all have good balances and...
i feel like im taking crazy pills!
mirror's edge.
anti-materiel rifle is usually good against anything. i think i was using a trail carbine when i did the whole black mtn thing.
but chief had something none of the other spartans had: luck.
the rich should get richer.
if you're talking about the victor in goodsprings, he just moved. he has multiple physical robot bodies.
i did all the brotherhood quests but the elder was just like "yo we like you and all, so you can chill in here and drink nattys with us if you...
i love making a chem addict character. just get addicted to chems and then make the sole purpose of the game getting chems to feed your addiction,...
i think the brotherhood has better weapons than the gun runners. plus i got some glitch where whenever i buy this one gun from the brotherhood...
caesar's legion is boss.
women are like magnets, prior to 1920 neither had the right to vote in america. except magnets still dont.
ehh ive gone out with her a few times and homecoming was this weekend. i thought we had a great time but she was doing her best to avoid me in...
oh shes a fox
what me?
im sure some people have seen this already, but i didnt see it on here after searching. so here is the full multiplayer ranks list with cR values...
sandbag turret wall