those two shinies im trading, ill have em over to white a little later tonight. also if there is going to be a tournament, id say no legends...
thats sweet. my assumption was based on absolutely nothing, so im probably wrong.
i thought he just did the breeding thing, and you cant breed legendaries.
yeah i thought it meant pump iron, so i was like naw i gotta get swoll. but if its gas then i can participate
osh i guess
whoever said theyd, give me a zorua for shiny charmander, i need to borrow my friends Ds to transfer it from heartgold. send me a PM or visitor...
im looking for a zorua. (i think thats what its called) i can give you a shiny eevee, shiny charmander, shiny rapidash, mew, or probably a celebi...
lolwut? its been like 4 years since last generation, a year since HG/SS
i transferred over some hosses from heartgold, so i think i might do the second go around pokemon league. shiny metagross looks bad ass when you...
i wish you could trade with HG/SS/DPP and not just transfer. then i could bring items and tms over, and also trade them back over.
i just tanked the entire pokemon league without using a single revive. basically haxorus is a hoss. now to transfer over some heartgold pokemans
5 badges in white. the only 2 i train are serperior and carracosta, each lvl 41 right now.
1. find earthquake tm 2. teach to all pokemon 3. ??? 4. profit cant wait till get dat national dex so i can trade over tms from heartgold and...
true realism = not fun for example: in reality, you cant just have a sniper, you need a sniper team. that means in this realistic game, for...
...? honestly, it wasnt very complicated. did you not realize most of it was in reverse when the girl was flying up back into a window?
every time i start a new character in oblivion i always say to myself "im gonna make a completely differently character type and play the game...
burn it to the ground.
the obvious choice would be a shock spell on each hand, so you have mad force lightning powers