i honestly cant see voice commands going too smoothly, even with the kinect technology. i think shouting at your tv because the game cant get the...
halo 4 is the new trilogy
i hate that helmet in that picture. i didnt think it looked so bad in the trailer. that one doesnt even look remotely like mjolnir to me. the rest...
i think its more that pieces or parts of pieces are missing than it being different armor. either from the cryo or just the events of halo 3.
i feel like if ONI knew of a planet covered in still-functioning forerunner tech they would have at least looked into it a bit and sent someone to...
i wish they both could have lost... oh well, at least its better than canada winning and luongo didnt win another championship he didnt deserve.
yeah there could definitely be plenty of UNSC weapons on the frigate. perhaps some forerunner tech will be introduced though.
do you really care that much about people posting in your thread and not this one? c'mon son, grow up. your threads been dead since february. he...
reach had trueskill, it just wasnt visible
i hated jorge i hope he died a horrible and painful death.
unless theyve updated fortresscraft, its terrible and i made the mistake of wasting MS points on it a while ago. its nothing like minecraft. you...
none. confirmed. its a single player game. also, the leveling/classes is going to be a lot different in skyrim. first of all, you dont choose a...
im gonna have to go stealth/bow/illusion spells, as i always do. its just the only way i like to play. i assume the wood elf is still gonna be...
bah i despise boston and i hate vancouver. and i really dont want a canadian team to win the cup only because of how annoying all the little QC...
[IMG] 67 shelby
im getting a new laptop for college, and this is what im leaning towards as of now: HP Pavilion dv6t Quad Edition customizable Notebook PC...
the pens are my number one, but san jose is my team in the west so im rooting for them now. i also want it to be sharks/bruins in the final cause...
dedicated. servers. also the gameplay of the beta is actually a lot different from gears 2. mainly in that it is much faster, more like gears...
i was poppin faces with the gnasher today like it was my job. felt good. im liking the game a lot more now that i learned how to beat the sawed...
smoke grenades always made you drop meat shields, it was like that in gears 2. i hope they keep it how it is. you have to actually be mobile and...