no, race car drivers are not athletes. im sure they are skilled at what they do, but so are professional chess players. so are artists. having a...
i dont think its much of a stretch to make the inference that since every CoD has had the exact same multiplayer for the last 4 years that it'll...
bf. fllr
its not going to be anything like fallout. comparing it to fallout is about as useful as comparing it to forza. fallout was primarily an RPG, rage...
but it didnt come out before them. i dont care how long it was development. duke nukem forever was in development forever and it was a piece of...
i agree with rusty, to an extent. i was really excited about this game when it was first announced. even up to very recently, i thought it looked...
obviously i'll buy it. shits gonna be mix.
exactly. normal girls arent gamers. they may play iphone games or the occasional wii sports, but its just odd for a normal girl to log multiple...
i dont think the term "gamer" was properly defined in this survey. i would guess that the question asked was more likely something along the lines...
im really interested in this game. looks like something i would enjoy a lot. unfortunately, theres just so many games coming out this fall that im...
YouTube - Damien Rice-Delicate‏
yeah that seems a little pricey. i just got an xps 15 with the exact same processor, graphics card, ram, a 750 GB hard drive, and it can read and...
how are oblivion and fallout boring and repetitive? theres plenty of unique and diverse quests and quest lines, as well as many ways to play the...
its made by goddamn bethesda. seriously though, if you haven't seen the e3 interview videos, watch them, it will explain. look at the skyrim...
skyrim GOTY, that ones a no brainer. best shooter and multiplayer id say either gears or BF 3
i didnt think that was him waking up after landing on Earth, i thought it was just him getting up after being knocked down after getting by some...
first, it wasnt a silencer, he was reloading it with another explosive round. second, i dont think it was a pistol, it seemed to be more like some...
john put linda in cryo after she suffered extensive plasma burns during the fall of reach and she was presumed dead. when the autumn got shot down...
Much of the covenant tech is reverse engineered from forerunner tech, so a lot of it could appear similar.
i meant shout in anger because it cant get some command right. even if you are close. voice commands just never seem to work right in anything.