persoanlly, i would pay up and get it right at release, but i dont know your financial situation/desire for the game. Edited by merge:...
im racist toward bretons. filthy mudbloods.
i love khajiits, but i despise those disgusting lizard argonians. cats are a noble beast. im either going to play as wood elf, dark elf, or...
Nappy Roots - Small Town - YouTube
id like to see a bosmer and/or altmer
i dont think they ever officially confirmed dark brotherhood until that video. they definitely confirmed thieves guild, fighters, and mages guild...
if you didnt see it, google it, its not too hard to find. literally the first link. and even though i never had doubts about the dark brother...
it is battlefield 3, not bad company 3. the 2 bad company games were more like spin offs, this game coming out this fall is BF 3 and is the next...
electro-house is dead...
just saw them opening for glitch mob last night, they were amazing Phantogram - Mouthful Of Diamonds‏ - YouTube
i can distinctly hear the sound of picking up rings throughout that song, even though its not really in the track. also, this: The Legend of...
cod4 had a really good story with good pacing, but after that, meh. it went downhill. i own bad company 2 and never even tried playing the...
best jack black movie- the neverending story 3, obviously
these "hard" games you talk about seem to be more tedious and repetitive than just difficult. they dont seem fun at all. a good game has good...
again, just because not anybody can do what you do does not make you an athlete, it just makes you a professional. or merely just skilled,...
so help me god i will murder lyle overbay if he strikes out again with a runner in scoring position.
i was about to vote "great" in the poll, but then i noticed it had 69 votes, so i decided to let it stay there. mlib.
how? you argued that it is a sport because it requires a ton of skill, i countered by giving an example of how many things that are not sports...
it takes a ton of skill to design a modern building or bridge, but i dont recall architecture being in the last olympic games.
athletes are people who partake in athletics. there is a difference, in my opinion.