Download Rocket Relay Download Rocket Relay Gametype This is a game for 4 players. 2 vs 2. 2 players start in 2 boxes at one end with grenade...
Will do, maybe Super Barney Ball!:) Good idea thnx for the suggestion.
Thanks for the advice and trying out my map.
I actually tried pulling this off in the water at Last Resort, but I did not have enough stuff to make it tall enough. My problem is, I have to...
I am taking your advice. I cant post more pics untill I get off work. But will do that tonight. Thanks for the advice.
Sounds good
I agree I may have been a little harsh defending myself, but I got flamed, instead of trying to help he just bashed me. Look at my other posts,...
try it you might like it
To the Top Click to Download Map This map is a sniper map on foundry. It has different levels. The bottom floor has regular weapons ( sword,...
Send me a friend request and I will play with you.
I appreciate your idea. I dont have hammers, because you would be able to hit people across the deathpit. But maybe another game with grenades and...
[IMG] Download Map I prefer regular slayer, but here is a king of the hill gametype. Download Gametype Lets get ready to..... suck it! This...
Look man, I just started, theres not much of a description I can give, and you really dont need another pic. Just download and have fun, or dont...
[IMG] Real Dodgeball with a deathpit seperating players. Download Map Team Dodgeball 5 Rounds, Elimination Style 4-12 Players (Prefered way...
Its working now, I think. Thanks for being patient. :)
I got pics up links not working now, sorry. Give me a second to see if I can get this right, help would be much appreciated.
[IMG] Map Title: Barney Ball 3 Rounds, 50 Points per Round, Kill Barney. Download Map Download Gametype NEW GAMETYPE!! 1 round, 70 points,...