Ask and you shall receive. 2 new pics posted. :)
Even if you are not thrilled with the map, tell me if you like the concept and gametype. Thanks for the input, good or bad.
Both ideas are really good. Especially the second one. I will play around with those. Thanks for the input.
Cause I hate that *bleeping* song he sings. Everytime I hear it I either want to smash him with a hammer or stick him with a plasma grenade.
I knew somebody would understand.
Thats the nicestcomment I think i have ever seen. Thank you.
Thanks, I appreciate it.
I will try it with the hammers this weekend, but cant post anything for 7 days. Stupid moderators at bungie.
The gametype actually reduces your jumping ability. It keeps you from jumping across. If youtry it with the gametype you will see. Also you need...
Snow Dodgeball Try out my new map. This is a beta map.
DO NOT DOWNLOAD! CLICK HERE FOR THE NON BETA LOCO SNOW DODGEBALL! Snow Dodgeball Download Snow Dodgeball Download Original Dodgeball Team...
Thanks, but not very original? I put some unique stuff in there. Like the DX, the fireworks, backstage brawl. Its an all around fun map!! : )
Thanks, I will post my other WWE map when I get time later this week.
Are you a wrestling fan? I cant tell.
Education in Forging have I must to become Forger Knight. :)
Cool, tell me what ya think.
How do you place it outside the map?
Thanks, your so sweet.:)
Sorry, but the pics dont do it justice. Everything is there to get in your way as you try to get the mongoose and bomb to its point. With the...
Beleive it or not there is little explosion sound because the death trap is pretty far away. Also I NEVER have lag in the game. I tested all this...