Hey man here to help. 1) go to bungie.net and find your gamertag (use the people finder under comunity tab) 2) click on it then go to your file...
wow saying my map should be the default map is a huge complement and I'm glad u enjoyed my map so much. I'm working on having my new map Junction...
Thanks everyone for the support
Use a spoiler Hey I like your map with traps over all idea. Things maybe could have been interlocked together better but that might not be...
Hey good to see a fellow Canadian viewing my map
Need some opinions/imput Attention anyone who likes my work I'm looking for some advice on a nearly complete map and want some input if you could...
Your pics work for me and the map looks really. the bridges could have been a bit strater but I know thats hard to do on avalanche so 4.5/5 which...
Hey we probbably shouldnt be getting off topic send junction questions to me in private this is still a cluster forum.
Arena not another one Wow I'm glad u like my arena but no my new maps called Junction and it is already in my file share but its still being...
Hey every one thanks for the input and I hope the new weapon box picks and the idea of putting them in spoilers makes life easier for everyone :)
Yes I said this in my maps description at the top why does nobody read the important stuff. I liked the tubes and layout of the edges since the...
hey I see your taking a good look at my map Cluster hope you like it
Wow the maps great not much to criticize I think ur map is gonna get some great reviews just tried 2 vs 2 and played great gotta try 4 vs 4 still...
Direct Link Heads UP you need a direct link to the specific map download not file share now or your account could still get locked this was in...
thnks hope u like it
Its pretty good I like your map looks very detailed but a little open but thats ok for zombie gametypes although this might fit better in the...
Wow I wish I knew this before my cluster map ill be sure to use this in the future. Does this work in the crypt and more importantly sky bubble,...
PS Can u actualy rate the map i got hit by two arena map haters (never downloaded) and could use some support
Thanks for the awsome review and cover input but also read the game desription I made it so those out of the arena cant hurt those inside and vice...
Right Idea Wrong Place Hey awsome idea for a game and the map is actually fairly well forged but to me this should have been a minigame thread...