Thanks I have been considering moving the map down into the crypt and i went on forge with a friend wh knows pavilion well and we just could not...
when i get the time i will make the changes yes ut dont you think that in an in-game situation that you would not be able to perform the steps to...
Thank you, yes I did take my time on this but, well as my friend puts it, "i'm a quick forger" haha. Thanks for agreeing with me about the jumping...
Wow, thanks for the amazing comments, yes i had made thsi map think of pavilion from gears of war 2 lol. It was because i liked the name for a...
wow, thanks again guys for the amazing replies! I do love my replies!
Thank you! Someone who agrees with me finally! Thanks for the comment and I cannot believe someone voted my map 1 star without a comment... people...
Thank you and yes when i get round to it I will fix the arch, got a bit sloppy at that bit because it was many for a roof until in the pic i...
Ok, lets get something straight please can you download and show me evidence of where you can get out of the map instead of saying you can do it...
Pavilion"][IMG][/URL] The overview Story Pavilion used to be the main UNSC...
I agree with what the others are saying you should tthink about possibly making a version 2 or just updating the map with more structure to it and...
Wow, thank you for the reply, i greatly appreciate all i get, anyway thank you for hte comment the camping spot was just a bit of fun really but...
Wow thanks for the amazing comments and thanls for voting my map 5 star! I'm sorry duckman but i do not understand you, the map is symmetrical so...
Theire is no need for you to say to be nice, we are going to be anway because these are sensational screenshots, i love the warthog one how did...
As you suggest I will play this with a massive party tomorrow, it shud be fun. The map itself looks alright from the pictures, but hopefully the...
I have to say that this map looks pretty awsome, I will download and edit my message to comment more about the gameplay and so on.
Looks like a pretty sweet map, wel made and pretty neat. 4/5
I have given your map a chance and it has definitely delivered, I played 2v2 and was absoloutely stunning, great gameplay and as seen for myself...
Always a pleasure thanks spirit, will possibly update the map when i get the time. Thanks for the comment!
This looks very well made, and quite frankly pretty insane will download and edit my message with how it played and other comments and so on.
it looks pretty simple but i see how it could be very fun, especially with battletracks and with a big party, I like the bumpy double box bit...