This map looks quite good from the screenshots but your weapon list is all wrong. It's good you having a missile pod to cancel out the vehicles...
Lol, happy but said that you almost cried lol, thanks for the comment! Cheers for the review but some constructive critisism would be nice!...
all a bit plain really, i kind of like the first one but that is not that good. As I have seen you around posting on some of The Dom collections I...
hey, i hope you enjoy your time on forgehub its great! As you love to forge if you want some tips on the newest techniques and ideas then go to...
im no screenshot genious at telling whats good and whats not but this looks very good to me! I like the blue effect in the bottom corner in...
hah, sounds good just like the picture on the OP on Mr Garfunkles triple splatter on a mongoose, which is the best i have seen submitted here so...
yeh i have decided to add more gametypes when the time is right but i would like more suggestions!!!! I can imagine the gameplay being very...
That was pretty funny and wierd lol, thanks for the post! Donnii's kill was good wasn't it thanks for the comment dthen!
Thanks for the comment always love them LOl, im glad it still worked with that many people! Whats an MLF? Anyway cheers for the comment
When I first saw the picture it made me laugh (not in a bad way), I do not think I have ever seen anything like this before on sandbox. The...
Wow, sounds insane whish you had a vid to show us =P I loved this a very nice scope indeeed! Haha, omg i watched this several times, hilarious...
This map is not up to forge hub standards, if my internet was working properly i would give you the link, please may the next poster do so thanks.
Ever This map is better suited as a casul map because the gameplay would really be shocking and too overpowering for a competitive map
This looks promising and very fun indeed, 2 lasers, 2 rocket launchers, 4 machine gun turrets and a flamethrower could be interesting, but you...
Thanks for the nice coment menace. Lol, haha nice try dow but no sorry!
I tested this with the OP, and trust me this map is just as one comment put it, hard but acheiveable and it is not one of those puzzles which you...
I can see what you are trying to create here as I myself am an assasins creed fan. I love the tower and leap of faith ramp out. I presume that the...
Haha, no you just dl a stacked sandbox map, you can get crypt stacked the middle stacked and the skybubble already done for you they are a great...
I love silohette and the first picture they are both stunning and has already been said it looks as if the brute shot is part of his armour which...
hey, my favourite has gotta be duel wield, it looks stunning and this is overall a great collectino indeed! Can you put up a link for this to your...