I know right. And how about that [current news story]
My team for x/y Magikarp - named Bubbles Magikarp - named "pikachu" Magikarp - named Trout Magikarp - named Hank T Wellsworth the 4th Esq. a...
I heard dat
meh, how bout you
hey .
Yeah...the 3DS has a slider bro. The 3D can be turned off in all 3DS games.
They have not. If Nvidia wants any kind of success with it however they would be wise to sell it for cheap. I would price it at $100
I don't know. I mean it essentially is an xbox controller with a screen. Looks more comfortable to hold and play then either a vita or a 3DS. It...
[img] NVIDIA Project SHIELD demo - YouTube Nvidia Is entering the handheld gaming scene. It will utilize Nvidia's new Tegra 4 mobile processor....
Actually that is half true. The PS3 was the most expensive console to date on release and bluray players were going for double the cost as a PS3...
It's easier to condemn for some with little evidence than to praise with evidence. Anyway, In my opinion the best way to look at what rumors are...
who dat
...that looked sketchy as hell. That tweet didn't sound like something that would come from an official Microsoft source, especially one called,...
Are you working in netbeans?
Your second part is an entirely subjective statement. To some people it does feel like Halo. Adding CoD elements does not morph the game into CoD....
Certain events are "time locked" which in the original series it was explained the Time Lord council picked these moments as key moments in time...
I read that article and that article title is horribly out of context. "One of the more interesting responses comes from THQ's head of global...
Source? I highly doubt executives for the company would say such a thing.
^ This I hope everything works out for the people that work at THQ and the numerous development houses under them.
I can make it greener