To clarify something about the PS4. It will not be backwards compatible with any previous Playstation game disc. Its backward compatibility will...
I bet by exclusive content they just mean some feature that will best utilize the new abilities of the PS4. It's like how a lot of Wii U games...
Well I wouldn't go as far as say wrong. Wrong depends on context. The words have been used how they have been used because that was the context...
Since not everyone buys a new console right when they release the move to release it for both is to get both markets. New adopters of the PS4 and...
For what it's worth, I agree with what mock said. My posts were more about the definitions than how they're interpreted in practice.
My assumption was that the entire point behind spartanops was as a setup for Halo 5.
Rebranding doesn't change what they are nor solve any "problem". Whether one says casual/competitive or Tournament/public it still is a...
"Casual" as most would define it is just the lack of "competitive" nature. If the score doesn't matter and having fun is the only goal than any...
So...that's against gun regulation?
From what I've read around the net, the purpose of the conference Sony is holding hasn't been released, just that they are having one. Many...
Is that what I'm doing? If it is than you have a very very relaxed definition of what the term "attacking" means. (I'll help you out as to...
Doing what, responding to you vm'ing me? Because that's generally how vm'ing a person works.
Damn right
Seeing as I resolved the situation, I think everything was handled very rationally, Mr. "lock the thread"
I did enjoy the CGI. Shame the actual SpartanOps were incredibly repetitive, reused campaign and multiplayer maps, and nothing your team did...
It sure is easy to pick out similarities between images and something you want to compare it to than it is to find differences isn't it. Other...
None of that was a valid response to any of what was said. Wanna just try putting your fingers in your ears and saying, "la la la la, I can't...
the force, biotics, magik, mana, whatev
What amazes me here is not that you (among many others) are incapable of at least seeing the holes in your own point of view (that helping people...
It comes from this irrational fear that King Supreme Leader Chairman Obama Bin Laden wants to take people's freedom away.