Actually i got it but it didnt work i dont get the word part
Nevermind i get it now but what word in between the tags
Im kinda confused
Hey do you know how to make it so you click on a link and it brings you down on the page. Like a table of contents. Example: Click here to view...
Ya i see i did it its real simple,but i dont get how you make all that intense background effects and add the picture with only the object not the...
Thanks its actually understandable im trying it now
your welcome
You suggest any really good ones that are easy to understand
You should make a gimp vid i really wanna learn how to use gimp
I feel excited i made this background on gimp, i have never made one [IMG]
Your Poncho says he forfeit so the asien chiwawas forfeit. He came to my house and told me, he said, "Im over halo". Hes playes COD 4 alot not....
plz tell me its 4 my awesome thread
Do you know what aesthetics and symmetrical is?
You seem smart so, how do you make it so you can click on a link and it will bring you down on a page. Like a table of contents.
Do you know the pic to put in the M? its vertebraille
Do you still wanna be sponsored for BFM?
I have seen you do it so, how do you make it so you can click on a link and it will bring you down on a page. Like a table of contents.
Nevermind dont make the resized pic but make the BFM cover
Just send me whats in the link as a PM
hey fuious i dont think the asien chiwawas can play. I also think there out. Because they lost to you and didnt play in round 2, so 2 loss...