I loved you recent sig with the target signs
You know your pic on I like girls send me some of dat
wat ever happened to my new sig?
Very nice map, the is very creative and unique. I like the idea of pushing wire spools down a hill, but i have a suggestion, you should of made it...
The Office group
The official "The Office " group
Ya i love the Office funniest show ever, the new season is coming on the 25 i cant wait to see what happended with jim and pam
Best Featured Maps-Week Five
You should make an i like girls websight then you can have everything on it
Wow looks nice a very good map 5/5, i really like the aesthetics, aslo i think the gamplay is very good. Nice job on making it syymetrical...
How do you get so much rep? No one Gives rep to me.
Just felt like making this [IMG]
Hey...shut up :), ehh ya i kinda do, but i like to put kinda of a discussion, about what the people said. and i love when people have creative...
has you voted on Best Featured Maps-Week Five
week 5 is out
alright im gonna go
It will get very cerial in the last rounds but the people who signed up to to nothing are dumb
Yeah i think people need to take the tourny serously, they dont get all the hard work staff does to make it happen.