You do know that it's an "ellipsis," right? You shouldn't jump on him if you don't know what you're talking about, either. An "ellipse" is an...
Well, according to this sticky, maps that fall short of the strict MLG guidelines do not belong in the MLG subforum. This map might be intended...
Very nice! Much better than what I could ever do in 3ds. I assume they're all plane modeled?
You can't forget that there is often a difference between a competitive map and an MLG map. Simply put, MLG maps must meet certain standards, and...
Pretty good, although slightly oversharpened in some areas and dull on the left side. But you certainly know what you're doing with lighting....
Latin words and phrases make great map names, too.
You should definitely make it a more forest green. Not too shabby, briansoupy, but the text is really bad. Make it much smaller and blend it better.
The first one is the lesser of two evils. I see the concept you were trying to pull off, but I don't think you quite nailed it down.
Close Quarters? Close Combat?
I have always done this. It seems like common sense to me.
Yeah, I was down like 35-25 in 4v4 one time when two of my teammates quit. The two of us started getting really tactical and we actually gained...
Just so you know, "geomerging" is specifically merging objects into the map's geometry. "Interlocking" is an object with another object.
Your rights are compromised when you commit a crime. Criminals in jail surrender their Constitutional right to vote during the time they are...
To DTL and the others on the first page, I haven't been geomerging anything. I was only just starting to build the wall that encloses my map by...
Is Sketchup difficult to use and plan out maps? Because I could easily create every Foundry object in 3ds Max and export the file so it could be...
But how can I minimize this problem, or how should I go about making my map? As I've said, MLG Onslaught seems to be perfect, while my boxes are...
I pretty much agree with everything LIGHTSOUT said. It's pretty well forged, although there's not enough ground cover and the walls in the front...
Sorry, but I'm strongly against piracy, and I felt that your comment was moderately suggestive. Please forgive me if I misunderstood the meaning...
No, I haven't used the budget glitch! I've hardly used any items at all. I simply interlocked a few boxes and they shifted when I saved and...
You can set up an image to cycle through a series of images every time the page is loaded.