100% agreed. Clipping masks don't automatically make things look good. The text is also difficult to read, and the render choice isn't very...
No, although it's not nearly as expensive as Photoshop. I think about $100.
A nice script font might match the rest of the signature in elegance. But I don't like how the entire thing is of such low quality.
It's a piece of 3D modeling software mostly used for creating fractal-based landscapes. But it's also great for creating abstract designs like...
Go right ahead.
I haven't been here long enough for anyone at this forum to know it, but I did a little work in Bryce a while back. Well, I've spent a few hours...
Who cares? Let him flame and get banned if he wants to... You don't have to be arrogant, Frag Man. To be honest, it's a pretty bad render, too....
Making text invisible is not blending it...
Thanks! Please comment! I want to know what to improve, etc.
It doesn't look too bad, but the style is horrendously overused.
I agree that that would give it a sort of new dimension, but I don't think it's necessary. I seem to like it as is. :)
I'd make the shape of the tree more regular; other than that it looks pretty good.
Get some better dimensions...try 350x130. Then try some tutorials to improve your skills.
To be honest, none of them are particularly great. The ones that look the best are the two tech ones, which were both clearly made by copying a...
Well, I have a strong distaste for piracy. Why are my customers idiots? I can think of a million jobs that charge by the hour.
I guess it's not bad for a first, but it's just some generic built-in transitions. Nothing impressive. Watch a montage with high ratings and...
Because in most scenarios I would be making a graphic for a customer, not for myself. Photoshop is my hobby, and I don't work to get something...
I did a little quick work in Cinema 4D today, just so I don't forget how to use the program. About ten minutes. CnC. [IMG]
I'm sure they're designed to make things much easier for novices, but the fact of the matter is that an expert in Photoshop can make just about...
Yes it is. You can make anything in Microsoft Paint that you can make in Photoshop if you're a skilled pixel artist. You can do anything in CS2...