To be honest, I was disappointed with this map. I anticipated such greatness from the pictures, but the general layout of the map and its...
I think it's pretty good. Could use a little sharpening on the left and right and it would look better if the dimensions were smaller. But there...
That's not true...
The scanlines are way, way too dark.
I never said the first one shouldn't be sharpened... I said it was TOO sharpened. Filter > Sharpen > Sharpen is not satisfactory here. You need...
I actually found it pretty funny.
It's amazing what noscoping has evolved into's just plain stupid, as demonstrated by this video.
I completely disagree. It's so aliased...
Go with neither and make the background more interesting. This is way too monotonous.
No, no, no. WAY too sharp on the first one. Take the original and sharpen it, but sharpen it much less.
It's still pretty bland, though. And you should definitely fix the lamp.
The pole beneath it isn't centered. Think about it: The entire lampshade is made up of sixteen stripes, so the center would be between the...
I don't love it... You're aiming for a nice, elegant style, which is fine. In this case, I don't think you nailed it. The most blatant...
Christmas has become 100% commercialized over the years. The phrase "Merry Christmas" should be instinct by now because Christmas has already...
That is EXTREMELY annoying, and I would STRONGLY recommend NOT using it on a forum. Crop Animation - Crop Gif Images Online [IMG]
Looks pretty good, just really low quality. Would you mind posting the stock?
Something like this (very quick work)? [IMG]
To be honest, I was not a huge fan of this one. Many small things like surfaces that were not flush turned me off to the map. Many of these...
Hmm...are you having any problems loading brush sets, patterns, or filters?