I thought Brady played well seeing as he's been out for oh a year. This was the first game for him in a while that actually matters. However, my...
I've played piano for 11 years and love every bit of it. If you wanna get decently good, it only takes about a year of honest lessons. Then you...
Taken straight off the Gearsofwar.com home page:
Hey sorry to hear that your TV died. If you're having trouble selling any of the video games or consoles, Best Buy will take 'em for store credit...
Orly? Isn't that kinda a common problem then? I mean, at some point don't we all kinda struggle to find out what our purpose is and what we...
Honestly the whole 'emo' stereotype is quite whimsical to me. I don't understand why anyone would wanna hate life so much, I mean, yeah we all go...
Actually, Vinny, and I'm not tryin to argue with you here I'm just providing an unbiased point because I enjoy both genres greatly, but the vocals...
I particularily liked Mogwai Fear Satan, Auto Rock, We're No Here, 2 Rights Make 1 Wrong, Acid Food, Take Me Somewhere Nice, and I Know You Are...
Here: Grooveshark -- Listen to Free Music Online -- Internet Radio -- Free MP3 Streaming This is one of my favorite songs they have. There's...
Ok has anyone heard of a dude who goes by the name of Mogwai? A good friend of mine showed me some of his music and this guy is amazing. It's all...
Hey have you ever heard of a guy named Mogwai? A friend turned me on to this dude recently and you said you liked music with no lyrics and this...
You mentioned mainstream twice in your post before this lol. But that's besides the point, I see what you're arguing now, I misunderstood what you...
Just because you don't like a song that many others like doesn't mean its NOT the best thing out. Music is all about opinion, you can't argue...
If you like Rage then you'd probably like Rise Against as well. They're more of a punk band but they still got a style similar to Rage with some...
Power drainer might be nice, or deployable cover since it's rather close quarters. Or you could put in a shotty with no extra clips on a super...
Woah nice track! Quick question, did you get the name and the dino-skeleton-on-track idea from Diddy Kong Racing? I used to love that game and was...
What are you trying to do out of curiosity?
Don't break the rules on purpose because a new member accidentally broke them. It wasn't his intention to mess the post up. He stated that and has...
I seriously can't wait for this. But honestly, am I the only one here who hasn't wondered when they'll install the Orange Islands in one of the...
Mile High Club for CoD4 was a fun little achievement to get. Annoying at first but once you can control the events it's cake. I could beat it in...