I think the Foo Fighters could be in there one day, or at least I'd like them to be. I agree with Nirvana and Pearl Jam, or at the very least...
Yeah like if you use iTunes to burn CDs there's a check box option that says "Write CD text" or something like that. Just like you aid it puts the...
Then yeah you gotta use CDs. Nothing else will work. EDIT: Make sure if you burn CDs you use a program that enables you to include CD text....
Haha I just realized the sweet irony in this after you pointed it out. But yeah dude you might wanna ask a mod to move this to the G&A section.
I got a few fun stories. I live in South Bend Indiana for reference (like 5 minutes from Notre Dame University). Well this first one isnt...
Ok, well I recently got a car this october and I love it. It's a 1998 Green Chevy Lumina and the only problems I've personally had were the stereo...
My resolutions are (hopefully I actually do most of these): a) Go back to playing more piano. b) Learn a new instrument (I wanna learn guitar,...
Another thing I haven't seen anybody mention yet, is for aches, use IcyHot or some kind of biofreeze gel. Especially for headaches. It feels...
Eh...not so good of a monday but yesterday was pretty good. Yesterday: Went to Church, even though I really don't believe in the Catholic...
Voted. Good luck, hope you guys win. We had our sectional game broadcasted this friday on TV. We lost lol.
I personally think its definitely worth it. As far as aesthetics go, the whole animated look similar to Crackdown is cool in my opinion. The RPG...
I don't mind piercings at all. It's just another way to express your image to society. If you honestly like the extreme gauges and what not, go...
You do know there is a sticky at the top of this board for WFC friend codes? You might wanna get this deleted before a mod gives you a warning or...
Well one of the biggest rivalries in college sports has came and went yet again. The battle for the Jeweled Shillelagh was actually a much closer...
In response to pyro's post, and this is directed towards smits. Learn ghost merging...now. As just a casual forger who just dabbles around in...
No I'm not complaining I'm just telling you what having a huge number of power weapons usually, I repeat, usually does to a map. You don't know...
It appears you do not know what spam is either. The post below is spam. The guy you said spammed actually gave a simple tip for getting better...
Hmmm, to each his own I suppose. I'm not saying it was like a carbon copy or anything, I just thought said bits of overdone violence, little text...
Just saw it tonight. Loved it. It was a great rip on all zombie horror movies that shouldn't be mentioned in the same breath as the shitty...
1) Forge Discussion. There's forging 101 and a whole sub forum to ask questions and such. 2) Again your best bet is probably forge discussion. Or...