Ooooh ok. By the way, try to ninja the cop haha. Im pretty sure it'll work
Is there a point to this? Or is it just random fun? haha Either way it's always fun to die =)
Sorry I just hate cops and robbers though. The gametype is god-awful (not yours specifically, not blasting you just giving my opinion). I don't...
TAKE OFF THE EFFECTS FOR PICS. I can't see it with the brightness all the way up on my computer.
Haha I loved the vent. This is waaaay better though. Ilike how this has higher walls and more space. I also like how the zombie can' escape. I...
He's right. A wall is a solid physical object and a hill isn't, sam with territories. I did wish for alot of new objects on sandbox but i cant...
ooo ya I remember you. Ya none of us had a chance after maps like collision were posted haha
Exactly. Thats what I'm trying to shoot for in making maps on sandbox. I'm in the process of making the hugest BTB map I've ever made (gaurdians...
In my opinion, yes. I have noticed that way too many sanbox maps are getting good rep that aren't even interlocked or merged. After much...
Now that you say it, I do see way too many maps with the name sky in it. But then again if it describes the overall idea of the map why change it?...
i hate being the critic but it's basically grifball. I mean is the gametype any different?
As soon as I knew my chances at the template contest were just hopeless, I took what people had to say about Reflection V1 into consideration. I...
I saw 2 ships haha but thats just me. Im sorta making a map on sandbox with 2 crashed ships maybe it was on my mind haha
I entered two maps (Im sure they'll both lose though haha) so i have been involved in it for a while. It's been weeks since voting closed. How...
Sorry dude i love the kill ball addition. But i will agree that this' the best sanctuary remake i've seen thus far and it looks better on the...
And look great it does. Unlike some previous posters i have seen it on bungie favs. You did an amazing job and even though i hate elites... maybe...
i love the idea behind the map. The bases are crashed ships... right?... anyway you can count on a DL from me. great job 5/5
It's a great job for your first map on forgehub. I love the architecture used in this map (The bunker/sniper cubby is very unique i cant recall...
thnx man DL and see how gameplay is for yourself. works best with 4v4 slayer and FFA but it's set for all gametypes
Ooooo ok i get it. Sorry bout the whole Deer Hunt BS. Even without me though, there'd still be a huge arguement about it conserning the other 2...