The base design does it for me, I'm sold haha. I love red base's roman style as well as blue base's slant style. The bridge in the center is a...
I love this map's style, the urban feel it gives and the narrow bridge is nice for conquest style combat.
This map looks amazing man. I like how the bases look with the wooden bridges. And hey it's lookin like you and me are gonna have the the same...
wow just wow. I love how this map looks and feels. The snipe towers look sick, as do the bases. But my favorite part is the bridge. You can count...
Gamertag: X2sheaX / Urban Myth XXXX Map Name: Domain V2.5 Link, for FH:
I thought I was the only one who used that combination. I like how it makes things darker without making it too dark like gloomy does.
This is one of the sickest crypt maps I've seen with originality. I love the idea of putting the sword spawn in the gateway. O and btw, keep the...
legallize! I'm sorry about your friend and co-workers but if you think about it, they just get manipulated way too easily. I mean they might...
I do believe in both views, one from a scientific standpoint and that there is a higher being. I don't want to call him god but I do believe that,...
Hey ykno I thought that piece looked really familiar and it's so different from the map's overall style. I though it just seemed so random and I...
Aside from FX I really like this map, I'm for some reason really drawn to the center with the pillar alignment. O and the tactical jump info helps...
This layout is amazing but maybe you might want to add some cover on top of the tubes and on the walkways behind each base. O and maybe put more...
The concept is to get a couple of practice games so that your ready for a real game. It's better to lose a custom game than a ranked game.
This is niiiice. I like how it reminds me of Showdown from CoD4, have you done any testing on this map yet?
This is probably the most unique map I've seen in a long while and it looks like gameplay would be amazing but the senery surpasses everything....
I think a good one would be MLG FFA Also I think a great idea would be to have a playlist where you host a game and map of your choice, like...
cant right now sorry. lemme just link you to my share : Halo 3 File Share
Ya, nothing really special haha, just gameplay. I have some video for domain and blackheart if you want it.
It's a slanted wall that gives the roof a change in height and adds an aesthetic hallway lower area [IMG] upper area [IMG] And...
Oh and I just wanna put it on record. I DID NOT MAKE THIS HAHA. (I definetely wanna try that final jump on narrows though.)