Ya Ya no problem. What kinda map you making?
Thanks man but not my best work haha, I'm planning to release alot more cause right now my best is on foundry. Btw Respiration's not bad either
DL'ed, I'll check it out later (P.S. thanks for blackheart comment)
Here are my "Thanks for quitting" pics haha, the narrows one is the one I was talking about Bungie.net : Halo 3 Screenshots
K cool thanks man, but hey remember limit it to 4 players total haha cuz even that is a little hectic
O damnit you beat me haha. The most I had in swat was 33 kills after my team quit, I won like 37 to 20 something
I just DL'ed, so is there a prize in this contest...?
Not bad Tfx killer. How many kills you end up with?
I don't know. Is there? When I thought of the name I was thinking dark and mysterious. Oh and in response to the other comment, the hammer plays...
Backround Story: This sacrificial chamber is home to many souls who died by the hands of the covenant. The dark history of this tomb is yet to be...
I just DL'ed make room for x2sheax!
I actually do think that's justified, I don't betray for weapons unless the player has an extremely low amount of kills of if they're just being...
Maybe I wasn't clear enough in my post (sorry bout that). I understand why it doesn't always kill, I just think it should or at least more...
Can I join this contest? I got some good ideas for this
I can't tell you how many times I've stuck a warthog that just ends up bouncing around and kills me (when I stick it). I get sooo mad if a warthog...
My 1st manslaughter. Got it today haha http://haloscreenshots.net/gallery/DE05B2987B09910F11C33EF6645AE072/"][IMG]
Dude I love this along with all the other skeleton creek variations (I have 2 of them). Maybe you should make a larger one though and on sandbox...
Damn I've been waiting for someone to remake this and I'm happy to see it was done perfectly. I'm not criticizing but maybe add some more detail...
Hey just wondering, when's Ep. 4 coming out? Can you give us details about it?
I like this map. It's different from other maps I've been seeing lately. One thing though, a couple of areas are a little crooked. Maybe just...