Gotta few vids on my share: Epic Stick Epic Lift Snipes Worthog Ninja Ninja Ownage Just Random Sniping Ownage Sorry that I don't have like epic...
Wrong code buddie haha. I did look at the map though, it's nice but you may wanna rethink the sword spawn though. P.S. Go here to embed your...
As you can tell it's not much right now but that's because it's still in the planning stage. It's inspired by Gaurdian's design, I was thinking of...
Thank you all for the positive feedback and thank you arbr for putting blackheart in your video review. *update* The video is now on the main post.
looks like a nice arena but could you explain the fusion coils????
Thanks for putting my map in the review Arbr. Blast off is pretty kickass too, I've seen youtube video of the gameplay and it looks fun.
Thanks alot Arbr. I apreciate you reviewing blackheart
Hey if you wanna see something insane, look at ghost grimm's stick count. He may have more sticks then you have kills.
It's all true, I seen the video on youtube and gameplay looks amazing. Now I know what you're going to say "But you haven't played it." But I'm...
K cool you should send me a link to the map video when its up. When I get on l8r I can probably help you with that map man but right now I'm on...
I love this map and the cranes are a nice touch. But my favorite part is the fact that you set the map up to play with infection as well, most of...
I love the BR, rocket, and sniper spawns with the column. Do you mind if I copy that? Anyway, the map is beautiful and I love the carbine tower 5/5.
They don't haha this guy came outa nowhere and disses everything. Even Dunescape (amazing map btw)
Just did man
This the new map you told me about? I like it man, it looks balanced and aesthetically pleasing. I especially like how the BR spawns look. Im...
4sho man, 4sho
Ya he tried to attack my map too haha. But I mean he dissed stuff like Dunescape (which is badass) so no worries.
Just ignore that "cheese and fries" guy, he disses everything he sees. Just an ignorant prick.
Ya sorry bout the name thing haha. I swear that I didn't copy you (Great map by the way). Thanks for the feedback and hopefully you'll enjoy it...