That's why I always build my maps near water..says you lmao
They are right, you do switch your weapons way too often, I admit I am guilty of it. I can't say much though because I'm terrible at Asylum, maybe...
Name change looks good on you
Looks like this would piss me off, I played the last glass house, there was rage quitting and everything.
Just thought I would post ,it's pretty cool seeing someone on forgehub that lives in west allis. You're 5 minutes away from me ~Notcreeping
Welcome around 15kills hehe. Don't be a stranger
Hehe, I thought the name said onion at first. Anyways, about the second picture in the screenshot section, the bridge looks like it's sticking out...
Not gonna lie, the coliseum walls not being at the same height looks kind of tacky. Just like the one with the logo, it's doubled walls I don't...
I can see why people voted this for best Slayer, the game play looks really fun on it.
I don't know how o: Can you still connect to random servers and see the creations that's what I like most, the random stuff people build
Idek, I get a little bit of lag with Halo, Minecraft I ran a cracked version or something, I don't know how to really set it up.
yeah i know, I have a HTML class I don't try in, I have a class called Music Appreciation all we do is watch movies, no way to get a grade. I...
I don't know why people think it's the ****, or at least I don't know how to play I think it lags on my computer. Back to Halo CE/ PC :D .-. But...
~Customs for life~ Haha, I just want to play again, it sucks by having a .9 GPA is not good, I just slacked around all term. I had a 3.2 before.
They are both the same really, GIMP just has everything on it already. And yeah Ik dude, it sucks a lot. I miss xbox haha, when I get on everyone...
Awww yeah skater, and I dont have a xbox anymore for a time being due to grades and such. It's packed up.
Oh if you where any close, I'm in Milwaukee.
Reminds me of Spongebob.. although this is cool, I'm no photoshop pro, but what if there was a small shadow casted.
WOAH, what's this what's this... goes into song. No but seriously, a Reach puzzle maps with new unique challenges, I really like this. Whenever I...
Your picture is naughty