Lmao at "you gonna die lol"
I was one of those people that where impatient so I skipped to 1:46. Anyways, not really a fan of dubstep but I don't mind it. Sounds pretty cool
If one wanted the sound of the waterfall, could the map be built in the skybox, but near the waterfall and no frame rate would be given?
Well, you defiantly made it less "blocky" (hehe) . Looks actually REALLY clean, and +1 for "Satan-free" lmao. I'll download though, I'm...
I am also a pastafanarian.
Honestly, I enjoyed it more without the COD game type you included, I like the no radar feel but TU dmrs, was more enjoyable. Just one of many...
I can seem to never find the snacks in the back or any cookies, probably a lie anyways. Welcome to FH.
Pretty sure it IS Forge Discussion..
I want to post a map preview of my newest work, I think the map is great, just I think if I post the preview it will get more attention then the...
Me gusta, ill be using one soon
When I said something of liking how you can get on the crates, it was because I wasn't using the COD game type. Frenchys had put a different game...
I skimmed through this and then I saw "Liz" so I thought oh yes another girl gamer. But then I saw whats inside the parenthesis.. I'm just messing...
Shouldn't this be in mini games? Also, the idea sounds fun, I'll give it a download.
Lol, **** you for that video. I didn't know that we where playing serious, I was testing if you soft killed the top of the map .-. Anyway,...
EDIT: custom gametype gave us more jump, I don't find it possible to jump up there.
Ha, downloading( When it's released). I love the fact you used the part of Ridgeline that actually is there and not out of bounds part. I enjoyed...
Ok, I'm probably going to be the only one to say this.. the map is ****. I'm on a time limit here because I'm about to leave but here they are....
So.. it's your version of guardian.. I like all your maps but this one doesn't seem so original, I know what you mean though of not being pleased...
Haha this map is pretty cool, I don't play COD but I do remember this map, I played this 1v1 with frenchys last night and it was pretty fun, I...
Wait.. what the ****? So it's a slayer map built around a rock ***** with golf balls coming out? Reminds me of the rocket ship race map that one...