Oh...my...gosh... this has definitely got my DL. I rate this 1000000000000000000000/5
about this map, its pretty good. I would suggest adding more cover, and maybe an overshield and active camo merged into a box to show the bases.
really creative. one of the first times ive seen a carnival other than foundry! :)
Download link?
whoa thats creepy i didnt even know they posted it for me
i didnt post it one of my friends posted it for me without telling me and i made this new account cause my old one didnt work
actually im not jessica jones im in amber ciad want proof send me a message on xbox live and ill tell you the same thing
oh thats probably because i told em my forgehub wasnt working so they posted it for me thanks hells gears (no sarcasm, actually sincere)
ill try fixing the power weapons
actually there is interlocking aka merging look carefully
Someone please tell me how to fix my Bungie.net, so I can post pics.
Hi guys! This is my first post on forgehub, so please tell me if something is wrong with my post, and i'll try to fix it. Also, please only...