you should delete some of your maps or screenshots so you have more space, but you better do it fast, because this will be locked soon.
Both of your posts are not up to standards. You need to have at least 1 embeddded screenshot and a brief map description. sorry : (
Thanks for the comments everyone, I would also appreciate constructive critism (wow, first time i've said I wanted critism)! Note: Assembly is a...
Space Station Space Cops This is Plasma Rifle Elite back with my first casual map! I had the red ring of death the day I was going to post...
Thanks! If you do decide to make it, please send my gamertag HLG Amber CIad a friend request, as i love Backwash and i could help give...
I have a request to forgers out there. I would like to see a good remake of Backwash, from Halo 2. It was my favorite map, and I think it didn't...
Please tell me why it looks slopey so I can fix it.
Just to clear stuff up with one post, this map is asthetic, not playable. But if you give credit to me when you post it, you can build a map...
I think this one is better than the cougar! Your mechs look very well done, but might look better if you interlocked to remove cracks and smooth...
Hi B3NW, this is HLG Amber Clad. I have the red ring of death :( so I wont be on until mid-august. Please dont delete me!
hi val, this is HLG Amber Clad. I have the red ring of death :( so I wont be on until around mid-august.
I don't have that achievment, where does it say that?
Well, it wouldn't look very alien if there was a Warthog turret sticking out the front of the locust, and the locust shoots a continuous beam...
Locust Locust Locust Locust Hi, guys! I haven't been posting maps for a while because I got bored of Halo 3 and I decided to play different...
An MLG map can't have any moveable objects on it, because they can manipulate and affect gameplay.
Well, to be better posters : ), you have to have at least one pic of the map, or this post will be deleted. Sorry
Yep, it's supposed to just look cool.
The easter egg is out of the map, so it doesn't affect gameplay at all. Orange Blob, if you are going to rate it one star when all other ratings...
RADIATION RADIATION Download link: Hello all, and welcome to the V3 of Radial. this...
I'll probably make them explodable in the V2, if I make one.