Problem is, it's only on PC. I bet that when the mechwarrior/mechassault series went permanently to PC, they lost a lot of potential buyers. I'm...
Halo Wars Cyclops. Imagine a Grunt squad sitting down, getting high off methane. Suddenly, a giant exosuit runs up and flattens them. lolz
Don't be lazy, I picked up a Mechassault 2 Limited Edition copy for only 5 (canadian) dollars!
I decided not to mention certain mechs due to fuzzy pictures: the ones in my post are not fuzzy at all. I also mentioned in my post that there...
I shall call him disco man! I really love the ODST hold-out structure's dome shape, i'm not lying when I say that this building is one of the best...
Do you ever come on anymore? I would like to see your Foundry robot.
DimmestBread- Mechassault 2 plays on Xbox 360! Shedo- Nova Cat IS a ****ing boss, it features twin Machine Guns and the most Heavy Lasers ever...
Yeah, there was the BattleArmor and the Elemental suit.
Does anybody remember Mechassault 2 Lone Wolf? It was made back in 2004 for xbox only, and had massive 30-60 foot tall steel robots (called...
I see some lumpy-looking forging, you might want to clean that up, not to improve gameplay, but to increase the aesthetic quality of your map. It...
I know that they have 6 fingers, because when you're playing the Halo 2 Campaign level Sacred Icon, and you have to deactivate the shield barrier,...
Oh, Ok. Pwnd. : ) I still wants a Backwash remake!
Thanx for the comments everyone! Keep it coming!
Your pics don't work, but that Phantom is beastly! ! suggest you put blue and red lights in it so it looks purple and shiny like the real thing.
BR looks sick, and Spartan laser has view screen, and Needler married covenant Carbine... BUNGIE, I LOVE YA!
Exactly! A few months ago, I desperately wanted a good remake of Halo 2's Backwash. I wasn't good enough to make one. Then I learned how to ghost...
Well, in Halo Reach, they might change the physics of forging, making your view farther away if objects are attached to the vehicles.
Jo Jo, I hate to say it, but I have seen better Turf, Ascension, and Boarding Actionmaps. Your Warlock remake looks good though.
I do like this map, it reminds me of Desolation in Halo 2. You should probably add more to the bases though, they are very empty.
Well, if you think about it, the Hornet is a Mini-Pelican. It flies, hovers, carries troops, and fires rockets and shoots machine guns.