Okay, for one, when you are starting out with the ACR I highly recommend Stopping Power. Once you get the feel of the gun, switch to a different...
Yo, sugar ****. It's about time we get to releasing G-Milky, Refutizzle, and Dez Moynez. So yeah, I'm thinking all three maps are posted in one...
People conspire that almost every celebrity that dies didn't really die because they can't man up and face the fact that they're dead so that have...
A picture of Pedobear with the words "You had me at "Six years old."" gewgewgew
Everyone who believes in this conspiracy theory is more ****ing banana crazy than people that think Michael Jackson isn't really dead. Pardon my...
Sonic the Hedgehod 1, 2, 3, & Sonic and Knuckles. (Sonic 3 had the greatest soundtrack out of any game on the Genesis, period.) Halo: CE Tetris...
I like the FAMAS, but I don't like being cheap. So recently, I've been using it with Hardline Pro instead of Stopping Power Pro. The other team...
When I start going negative with a certain kit, I'll change to a different kit and try out different guns to see what I seem to be in the zone...
Well, ask yourself this: Would you go out into an open area with nothing in it? If so, what incentive do you have to go out there? But to be...
I didn't have any problems getting FMJ kills with the ACR and AK47 to Master them. The AK47 has very good bullet penetration and the ACR's...
Firstly, I now know what you look like. Secondly, is that the girl that you ditched me on Xbox Live to see that one time? :P
Well it's about damn time! I remember when you first started making this. I also remember when you finished the first build a few days later :P...
Well... ****. Still, the games we played on this map last night were fantastic as always despite the fact that it was my first game of Halo in...
If sitting in one spot waiting for some retard to walk into your line of snipe to get a one shot kill is what you call good or 'skillful' then I...
Without a doubt, this is hands down my most favorite map to play on. I know how much work you put into this and it definitely payed off. The...
Marathon, Lightweight, Ninja, Claymores, and a Silencer with Fall Camo is how I roll.
The TAR-21, if you know how to use it, can kill just as fast as any other assault rifle at long range. The ACR's perfect accuracy makes up for it...
Then why aren't you complaining about the TAR? Or the ACR? Or the absolute strongest weapon in the game, the L86? What about all the...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqgIaaROG9U hey guise dis r my machinma i hav bin werkin on plz rte 5 n sub plz