Commando takes advantage of host/lag too much to be considered fair. And explain to me how Blast Shield is fun. :3
Ban everything overpowered and unbalanced is more liek it. You know you would be in if there was a prize. Like say... 1600 MSP each for first...
:D Well, I basically only summed up the general rules but I outlined them in moar detail and put some more thought into it. Think we could get a...
The reason I pick Skidrow over Karachi is because Skidrow is still flexible for different weapon types but not as campable as Karachi. 2 people...
Infinity Ward is retarded. Plain and simple. I'd be willing to resort to daily ForgeHub MW2 Customs if anybody else would be interested. Also,...
I didn't have a problem with it. I unlocked thermal for my MP5k the first game I played with ACOG attached. But to be honest, go for it. Anyone...
My vote goes to Mandala. Sorry Noxiw. :c However, I hope either Mandala or Epitel wins because of how AWESOME they both are. :D
FROOTYLOOPZ. I also am making changes to it considering its a really rough version. Also, I haz no xbox atm :c
I got the Tac Knife for the Deagle within two hours after I unlocked it. :3 I was so happy.
Keep in mind that its from last October. YouTube- Vocal Cover - Patterns by Sky Eats Airplane
I had no idea what to name it so I decided to name it after my most used gun in MW2. :p
Yeah, I meant that as in actual vocals with lyrics. Speaking of Sky Eats Airplane, have I shown you my old vocal cover of Patterns before?
Good point. To be honest, if it wasn't for me getting Fall Camo on my MP5k, I would've prestiged a LONNNNNGGGG time ago. I just do not want to...
Well, I every year I get around 100 dollars in birthday money. I will always buy a 12 month with it and every year I will renew my main account. I...
I have two XBL accounts. My main is Level 70 (non prestiged) my secondary is level 39 non prestiged. I like all the stuff I have on my main but I...
Hey ROFLkneegrow I made a song, go listen kthx MP5k with Silencer clicky clicky
MP5k with Silencer I dunno if you're into techno-ish music but this is a song I made. I'm thinking of adding screams to it or something. listen...
MP5k with Silencer A song I made. Click and listen my homebro
My MP5k with Silencer with Raffica secondary begs to differ. No seriously, I use the Raffica for long range and the MP5k for close range. **** ROX.
It's just you. Scavenger is a great perk. However, Blast Shield should have been a perk. Also, on the topic of Overkill, If Overkill was a Tier 1...