Well, Noxiw and I gave up on finishing Dez Moines, so we were going to just scrap it but Noxiw told me MetaWaddleDee said he'll take over. As of...
[IMG] [IMG] That look like a ***** to you? Keep in mind, I'm around 5'10 and have pretty big hands as well. It may not look like much,...
It's going to be in multiplayer.
Punched a whole in my wall because this game frustrated me so much. I'll post pics if you guys want to see. I just got back from the store. I...
FUUUUUUUUUUUU Yeah, it's fine.
I say public adoption. It'll make us look better. :3 Hey kids, are you ****IN hungry!?
Well, they reason I didn't ban any SMG's is because of the fact that they're only the most powerful in their respective range (excluding the UMP.)...
YouTube- Mr Peanut If you laugh, you lose.
We could always put it up for adoption. Nondual or Ace might take it. :3 also; YouTube- Mr Peanut
You lol you lose YouTube- Mr Peanut
YouTube- Mr Peanut Hey kids! Are you ****IN' hungry?
That's a good point, but the fact that it fires in a straight shot and has a bigger blast radius would make it used more than the Thumper for...
Noted. Here's an updated list and some reasons why some things are still banned. Banned Shotguns * AA-12 * Striker * M1014 Auto...
I say we abandon it.
<--------- hipster dog is totally hip I have the game of Multi Flag on Galaxy Milk from a while back (the one where we had a flag juggling...
Completely forgot about that. I'm not gonna unban the Noobtube but I will ban the Thumper. This will prevent people from using the OMA/Noobtube...
Keep in mind, this isn't a definitive list. This is just an idea. I want people's input on it as well. Banned Weapons Banned Shotguns AA-12...
But Noobtubes and Launchers are banned so what would be the point? Except for maybe Claymoarz and Semtex. I'd unban it just fer u <3 Also, I...
also, do you like my new avatar? :p
Poast galaxy milk or thus i refute thee dammit d:<